The human being is a multidimensional energetic being. He consists of vibrations, waves with many frequencies. He consists by no means only of the physical body.
Constitution means the structure & the connection of the single components. How is the human being built up? How do the various energies work together? The article draws a holistic picture of Homo sapiens.
The basic energy pattern of the human system is the universal TORUS. It is found e.g. in the atom, in the solar system, in the galaxy, in the earth's magnetic field, in the van Allen belt, in the apple, in the tree. The Celtic tree of life Yggdrasil was drawn as a torus.
Picture of the human energy field as a torus. The torus is based on the vector equilibrium. The energy flow is harmonically balanced. The figure is built up of 64 tetrahedra. These can be replaced by 64 circles: the "flower of life" is created.
This is already found in ancient Babylon & Egypt. The energy field of the human torus consists of a continuum of subtle energies with different frequencies. This includes the physical body as the lowest vibrating. We only interpret it as "solid.
The torus energy field is simplified as an aura. After rubbing the hands, an energy field can be felt between the hands. This is part of the aura. Comparable is the energy field of a magnet by iron filings on a white cardboard.
The division of the human being into the three parts: body, soul, spirit originates from Plutarch. With the definition of the individual parts the confusion is enormous. We stick here to the more than 5000 years old spiritual-scientific Sanskrit definitions of Theosophy published by Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine etc.).
The human constitution: 1. atman will 2. buddhi love wisdom 3. manas mental thinking 4. kama feeling wanting 5. prana vitality life force 6. linga-sharira model body blueprint 7. sthula-sharira physical body
Atman 1 + Buddhi 2 + Manas 3 = immortal trinity
Kama 4 + Prana 5 + model body 6 + physical body 7 = mortal quaternity
Atman 1 + Buddhi 2: monad the universal SELF Manas 3 + part of Buddhi 2 = soul EGO the individual self physical body 7 + model body 6 + Prana 5 + Kama 4 + part of Manas 3 = personality Ego the personal self 7 physical body feel grasp
The frequency of the energies increases steadily from 7 to 1. There are no boundaries, only smooth transitions. The frequencies penetrate each other. The chakras drawn in are energy vortices. They radiate forward and backward In modern esoteric literature these frequencies are classified:
One speaks of "densities" (or also of "dimensions"). It corresponds: 3d of the lower four, 4d Kama-Manas, 5d to 7d of the "soul worlds" (Manas & Buddhi).
A healer does not need to touch the physical body. He can work in the energy field of the aura. Attention: The aura is not the radiation of the physical body just as little as the so-called "aura photography". This is rather condensed energy. Kirlian photography shows electrical discharges of the corona of solid bodies - not the aura. The energy of the aura can be felt even if one does not have it in the field of vision.
The physical body #7 is our tool of experience in the physical world (Sanskrit "Stuhla Sharira = physical transient body).
It allows us to act, it allows us to feel with the 5 senses and connects us with the earth. Conventional medicine usually treats only this body. However, the condition of the physical body is always due to non-material causes, it is never a cause itself, it is not a principle (i.e. it does not cause anything, it is dictated to).
The model body is called "Linga Sharira in Sanskrit, it is also called etheric body & etheric double. The model body protrudes only a few cm above the physical body. With a little practice it can be seen as a silvery-bluish-grey vibrating fluidum.
The model body is first conceived, then the physical body is built up around this model. The model body is the blueprint according to which the physical body grows in the womb. The soul (Manas, thinking ability) is not anchored in the physical body until the end of the third month.
The main contact is the brain - the interface between the body and the thinking faculty - (more on this later). The model body remains approximately the same during life and slowly leaves the physical body after death. The real organs for sensory perception are concentrated in the model body.
The Vitality body contains the force that produces all life phenomena, Life force, Life energy, Prana. The life principle, the life energy, is omnipresent, eternal, indestructible.
The life sciences have not understood it until today. In his book "The general theory of biological regulation" Georg Stankov has revealed the secret. In the death of the physical body Prana is repelled and returns to the source.
Kama = Desiring, Feeling, Wanting, Craving, Passions. In itself Kama is not bad. Desiring is not bad. It is only compulsive thinking plus desiring that makes Kama harmful. This is especially true if the desiring is selfish. If the desire is directed towards higher spiritual goals or towards a loving relationship with others, it is extremely helpful. The same applies to the desire to progress or to acquire knowledge, provided that others are not harmed in the process.
Kama - feeling & wanting - is in most people much stronger than thinking, but is often suppressed because one wants to appear intellectual-rational and reasonable. The suppressed feelings often find a destructive way out at the wrong time.
Kama remains after the physical death as Kama-Rupa = wish-form, desire-form (also astral body). The soul takes it through the "tunnel" into the Kama-Loka where a reprocessing of the life takes place. Before the subsequent transition into the Devachan = land of the "gods" (paradise, heaven) the desire-form (Kama-Rupa) dies.
Always remember: You are the immortal trinity: Manas Buddhi Atman; identify yourself with that which remains.
The Titan and rebel Prometheus brings the Manas-fire of thinking to the people. Manas = the thinking faculty the mental principle:
- lower Manas common sense, learned book knowledge
- higher manas intelligence, abstract logical thinking
Kama provides the animal & passionate elements - feeling and impulsive action - from the gut. Lower Manas rationalizes these and gives freely invented pseudological justifications for them.
Man imagines how it is as he/she would like it to be. This is called wishful thinking or imaginative thinking. Meher Baba called it the "wrong thinking".
This is a mixture of wishing and thinking: Kama-Manas the mind. Through kama-manas, man never perceives himself and his environment as it is, but only as he interprets it.
The brain is only the interface between manas (thinking) and feeling, wanting to act, moving (the lower four). Man thinks with his manas/mental principle. Therefore thinking does not stop after the death of the brain. Imaginative thinking continues after death. Soul/ manas remembers feelings & imagines them again and again.
This means: even in heaven Devachan the soul still lives in the earthly matrix = illusion Maya conditioning. Everything - especially feelings - are projected intensively and positively. The ailments of the physical body are forgotten.
This by feelings colored thinking of the human being leads to the so-called emotions - violent emotional outbursts. After the death of the mortal quadruplicity the soul takes this fatal mix as a memory into the heaven Devachan. Man forms his Devachan according to his wishes/ideas.
The personality of the human being includes the mortal quaternity as well as the lower manas. It is called lower self or ego; persona (Greek) means "to sound through": the actors speak through the mask in the theater. The personality is the mask of the soul (manas).
Characteristics and experiences (concepts) of the personality remain stored in the soul (manas). The main emotion of kama-manas is fear. It is the driving force of most people. This arises because these people identify with the physical body that is dying. The basic human fear is the fear of death.
Fear is deliberately incited by the hidden elites because manipulation works best through fear. Many disembodied entities live on our fear. If we become fearless, they have to leave. That's why they incite fear. What helps us against fear? Primeval trust. Rejoice in life, dance your life.
The first goal of development is the integrated personality: Acting, Feeling, Desiring & Thinking work harmoniously together (mature soul). Head and heart are in harmony.
There are no more choleric emotional outbursts, nor is there a cold, contemptuous dominance of the mind.
Manas is the soul, the EGO, the incarnating individuality: soul creates consciousness through grasping, spirit (Atman, Buddhi) works through it.
The mature/old soul receives inputs from Buddhi. These are called intuition. One speaks of Buddhi-Manas. Mature and old souls reach this stage of soul-infused personality (to varying degrees) in which intuition provides unerring discernment.
Fear now takes a back seat, Love Wisdom (Buddhi) far outweighs. Therefore these people can truly think logically. Prema (unconditional love) as well as Karuna (active compassion) are flowing.
An enlightened soul discards all conditioning of the personality - especially wishing & imaginative thinking - no longer goes into Kama-Loka & Devachan and leaves the earthly Anunnaki matrix.
Buddhi is the spiritual SOUL which enables the radiation of the spiritual light of Atman.
Buddhi stands for unconditional love (Prema) as well as wisdom (Manisha Sophia).
From Buddhi the discernment of intuition reaches the soul (Manas). It is said that it is about the discernment between good and evil. However, this falls short - in the soul worlds (Buddhi-Manas-Atman) the duality of good and evil does not exist.
It is rather a matter of deciding whether a behavior or an intention is helpful or rather inhibiting for the spiritual development. Intuitively, abstract scientific and spiritual as well as ingenious technical knowledge reaches the people.
Buddhi-Manas asks for hidden (occult) connections, basics prerequisites, analogies. The soul (Manas) lives in the field of tension between spirituality (Buddhi) and animalistic instinctive sensuality and emotionality (Kama).
You can only move in one of the two directions, "One cannot serve God and mammon at the same time". The material self (ego) is eventually abandoned in favor of the spiritual SELF (EGO)
Expanded definition of MANAS:
lower Manas: Kama-Manas young soul, higher Manas: Buddhi-Manas old soul
The eternal spirit that animates everything in the cosmos. The universal spiritual fire (Tejas). The fire of the Great MOTHER who gives birth to everything (Adishakti). Atman and Brahman are ONE.
The SELF of All, no individual or personal principle: I AM ONE with the WHOLE.
There is nothing higher or more exalted in the entire universe than ATMAN/BRAHMAN
When Atman expresses itself in the vessel of Buddhi, one speaks of the Monad, which expresses itself through Manas.
"What man longs for he becomes" "What man visualizes he receives".
Immediate spiritual creation ...